Well, there isn't much to see here at Kingston. Compared to Albany, it is a much smaller town and apparently, very peaceful (boring). However, since we are already here, we might as well just take a look around. We were touring the town on foot and we pass by;
This statue (Don't ask me who he/she is....I don't know).
And the statue is standing in this;
As Wei Ni and Kate were,
taking a picture,
[P/s:So, obviously, anyone looking at us could tell that we were a group of toursit.]
... suddenly,an old man, from the grave yard(Don't worry,...He's a kind looking old man...not a zombie creeping out from a grave) came and asked us if we want to have a look inside the church. Well of course, we gladly accepted the invitation.
It was called "The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the Town of Kingston in Ulster County". What a long name....
Jeffery is a voluntary worker in the church, and a soon to be historian. He gave us a tour of the church building and even gave us a really detailed narration on the 400 year old history of the church.
waa..the organ makes me think of d octopus in pirates of carribean..davy jones~yucks~
Hey... how come most of the pictures that have posted in this section shows the ugly side of me??? And posted your so-called 'prince charming' picture? What the.... some more said i look better with the mask on.. you're so horrible..:P But indeed the costume store does really gives us a great memory about Kingston together with that Church..and Jeffery too.. almost forgotten his name.. hehe..
Everyone take rest on tuesday but i was not. I was the only person who had to work...sad..bcoz me and hanjin were alternative for the Nathan's working shift..(why me?) but, this is why i met Ricky^^
d old man and jeffery were so kind to bring u all around..n so wei ni is married to d dream guy..
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