Monday, October 8, 2007

Sarawak’06(Part 2: Pantu)

Our first destination is to the longhouse of Semawak, which is the home village of our Pastor Michael. It was a 2 hour journey at 80kph from Kuching till we reached the secluded jetty of Pantu.
At the jetty, we saw a boat, fully loaded with durians. It was the durian season there then.
And since the area is so secluded, you’ll really need a HUGE satellite to receive any television signals.

Boat Ride
And we switched from land to river. Just in case any of you guys out there had never taken a ride on a perahu before, this is roughly how it feels like. Just imagine you are sitting on a small chair (something like that kind which my mom always sits on when she is doing laundry…only smaller). You can’t move too much because big movements might cause the boat to turn over. And the journey we took is about 1 hour. Can you imagine that? My ass felt so stiff after sitting on the hard seat for so long. And after a long time bended my legs turn numb too.
Anyway, with the wind blowing in your hair, the sound of the rushing water, and the mesmerizing view, the uncomfortable seat doesn’t make the ride any less enjoyable.

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