Monday, October 8, 2007

Life of a Construction Worker (Part 5: Time to leave)

Over the days, we completed 3 houses. It was time when the boss (my uncle) declares a break for everyone. It was a break for everyone, but it was the end for me. There are still a lot that I can learn but it is almost time for a new semester.

Through the days, I just can’t help realizing how some people tend to look down upon people like us (the construction workers). Here’s a few response I get when people know that I work as a construction worker.
  • Most children will say: Yerrrrrr~!! (I don’t need to explain this do I?)
  • For those who met you for the very first time: Li si buey thak chek liao shi bo? (You are not good in your studies izzit?)
  • For some of the people I know: Why are you doing this?

Some seem to label us as boors, illiterate and useless members of the society. Is it such a humiliation working as a construction worker? But hey, there won’t be an occupation if there’s no need for it. Without construction workers, we will have to live back in the caves or jungles. They have an important role in “building” up civilization. But of course, they are still many that are aware of the fact that every occupations has it role.

Working under the hot son has surely taken its toll on my integument system. My complexion got worse and my arms and face got really tanned. But constantly lifting heavy stuffs has indeed built a few muscles for me and toned up my body a little bit. Mentally, I learned to endure hardships and became thriftier (knowing that money is hard to come by). Yes, it is hard, not anyone can endure all these, but I’m proud that I had, at least for a few weeks.

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